Hey there, young explorer! Today, we’re going to learn about the Sumatran orangutan, a super cool and unique animal that lives in the lush rainforests of Sumatra, an island in Indonesia. These orangutans are part of the ape family, and they look a bit like us humans, with long arms and reddish-brown fur. Let’s dive in and discover more about these fantastic creatures!
Overview of the Sumatran Orangutan
The Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) is a captivating species of great apes that inhabit the dense rainforests north of Sumatra Island. They are one of the three orangutan species, the others being the Bornean orangutan and the critically endangered Tapanuli orangutan. These magnificent creatures are highly intelligent and share about 97% of their DNA with humans, making them one of our closest relatives in the animal kingdom.
Physical Features
Now, let’s talk about what makes these orangutans so fascinating! One striking feature of all Orang Utan species is their reddish-brown fur, their long, strong arms and short legs allow them to swing gracefully from tree to tree, a behavior known as brachiation. Compared to the Bornean species, Sumatran orangutans are thinner and have longer faces, their hair is longer with a paler red color. Males can weigh up to 200 pounds (90 kilograms) and stand about 4.6 feet (1.4 meters) tall, while females are slightly smaller.

Habitat of the Sumatran Orangutan
The Sumatran orangutan is a critically endangered species that is found only on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. They thrive in the lowland and mountainous rainforests, where they live almost exclusively among the trees of tropical rainforests. Their preferred habitat is in the canopies of primary rainforests, swamp forests, and riparian forests that include mature fruit trees. Females virtually never travel on the ground while adult males do so rarely.
Unfortunately, the habitat of these gentle giants is shrinking due to deforestation, mainly caused by human activities like logging and palm oil plantations. As a result, they face the threat of habitat loss, pushing them closer to the brink of extinction. It is important for us to protect their habitat and prevent further deforestation to ensure the survival of this amazing species.

The largest and most viable population of Sumatran orangutans is found in the Leuser Ecosystem, which spans the border between Aceh and North Sumatra provinces. Some smaller populations are also being established in other areas, such as the Bukit Tigapuluh National Park.
The most recent population estimate for the Sumatran Orangutan is 13,846 individuals, in a total area of 16,775 km² of forest. Excluding populations of fewer than 250 individuals (i.e., considering only populations that are potentially viable over the long term) leaves just 13,587 individuals.
Diet and Feeding Habits
Let’s talk about what these intelligent creatures munch on in the rainforest! The Sumatran orangutan is primarily a frugivore, in fact, more than 60% of their diet consists of various fruits. They enjoy munching on various fruits like wild figs, durians, and lychees. Sometimes, they also consume leaves, bark, and insects.
Communication and Intelligence
Sumatran orangutans are exceptionally intelligent creatures, capable of using tools and solving problems. They communicate with each other using various vocalizations, facial expressions, and body language. Their calls can be loud and deep, and they often use them to establish their territories and attract potential mates. These clever apes can build nests to sleep in using leaves and branches, showing their resourcefulness in adapting to their environment.
Social Structure
Sumatran orangutans are primarily solitary creatures, meaning they prefer to live alone rather than in groups. However, they do have social interactions, especially during mating season and while raising their young. Female orangutans typically raise their offspring alone, and the bond between a mother and her baby is incredibly strong, lasting for several years. The males, on the other hand, live more independent lives and can sometimes be found in the company of other orangutans for short periods.

In conclusion, the Sumatran orangutan is an extraordinary species of great apes that call the rainforests of Sumatra their home. Their red-brown fur, long arms, and intelligent behaviors make them a captivating species to study and protect. However, the destruction of their habitat poses a significant threat to their survival, and it is crucial for us to take action to preserve these remarkable creatures.
References :
- https://denverzoo.org/animals/sumatran-orangutan/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumatran_orangutan
- https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/orangutan-genome-sequenced
- https://allanimalfacts.com/sumatran-orangutan/
- https://speciesonthebrink.org/species/sumatran-orangutan/